Meeting March 9, 2025
We want everyone to know that xylitol is now being labeled as
"Birch Sugar"
This is a sweetener used in food, most commonly in peanut
butter and candy.
It is VERY toxic to dogs.
Keep your pups safe.
***Sunday, April 13, 2025, 2PM: at the Albion Woods Picnic Area in the Mill Stream Run Reservation in Strongsville, Ohio.
"Enhancing the kibble diet and other ideas to increase dog longevity" . Sherry will present some wonderful ideas regarding feeding a canine-appropriate, and alternative, diet to your dog. She has a mountain of experience to share from her many years of being a caretaker of so many. You will not want to miss this valuable information, considering that we are all trying our best.
Dogs are welcome, as well as a dish to share. Water will be available.
Don't forget to stop by our STORE once in a while. If you haven't been there lately, you will be surprised by the variety of merchandise to be had - there is always someone's birthday !
The December 2024 BG newsletter is out now and can be accessed on the Berner-Garde website
The following information is in this edition:
1. NEW: Diagnosed Targeted DNA sample collections for Sub-Aortic Stenosis, Renal Dysplasia, any veteran 10 years or older. Starts January 2025. Brycie Marine is the contact person and her information is in the newsletter
2. Revised "Update this Dog" button menu selections: Use this button for quick access to several submission forms (Health certifications, health information, date/cause of death, add/update titles, add photo(s), general update for core dog info)
3. DNA Samples shipped to Dr Hedan, France
4. Berner-Garde merchandise
5. Additional Resources
There have been many questions regarding Berner Garde, what it is, what it does. Here is the general idea what it was founded for:
Berner-Garde Database General Information
The Berner-Garde Foundation was established to assist in efforts to improve the health of Bernese Mountain Dogs. Our efforts are designed to support scientific research into the causes and cures for genetic diseases and general health of our beloved Berners. A major part of this effort is operating the open health database for Bernese Mountain Dogs that you are now viewing.
This database allows researchers, breeders, and fanciers of Bernese Mountain Dogs access to the most extensive collection of health and pedigree information available. Anyone is welcome and encouraged to create a profile for their Bernese, add health certifications, pedigree information, litters, photos and, most importantly, update the database with all health issues and if at all possible, age and cause of death. All pure bred Bernese are welcome to be entered into the database. Your dog does not need to be registered with any breed club and can be a rescue.
All the information added to the database helps researchers learn what health issues our breed is facing and if there are any correlations that can be drawn from research. It also helps breeders make educated decisions about breeding Bernese Mountain Dogs. If you would like to submit data about your dog click on “Submit Data” at the top of the page and follow the directions.
You will notice that, due to the generosity of our donors, this site is free from commercial advertising, annoying pop-ups, and tracking. The Berner-Garde Foundation is a 501-c-3 charitable organization and donations of any amount are appreciated.
Wishing all of our Berners a happy birthday:
Membership Meetings:
These and many other items are available in our STORE
None in March
Announcing diagnosed targeted blood sample collections!
Berner Garde is starting a new thoughtful program and will be accepting targeted diagnosed blood samples for specific diseases to be stored in the BMD Repository at Michigan State University (MSU). Starting in January 2025, we will be focused on and accept DNA blood samples on 2 separate diseases plus from veteran dogs over 10 years of age for control samples. The diseases we will be seeking blood samples on are:
1. SAS (Subaortic Stenosis
2. Renal Dysplasia
3. Veterans over 10 years of age
>>> please see the Berner Garde page for more information and how to submit the samples