North Coast Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Ohio

The North Coast Bernese Mountain Dog Club of Ohio is a group of Bernese Mountain Dog Owners and enthusiasts from all over Ohio and surrounding states.   We are a diverse group of individuals that share one common bond  --  we LOVE our Berners !   We have a passion for our faithful and furry friends.  Our organization gives us the opportunity to connect with others who love this majestic breed as much we do.  
We strive to learn more about our Berners through club meetings, events, dog shows and through our most valued resource ..  each other !
Many of our members are involved in conformation, rally, agility, obedience, drafting, therapy work and much more.
Whether you are interested in sport or fun, you have found a home with us!
Visit us often to find information on meetings, to which everyone, no matter how far away you have come, is wholeheartedly invited;  events, gatherings, and anything in-between!  We'll always have room for you - guaranteed !!


Kelly D'Annolfo


Tom Atkian


Breeder Referral:  

Wendy Hess


Vicki/Rick Zaborowski



Joan Atkian


Jeff D'Annolfo

Membership Roster:   

Tom Atkian

Public Education    

Maria Lofgren

Regional Club Council Rep:

Sherry Gedeon

Social Media: 

Kelly D'Annolfo

Julee Alexy

Specialty Show/Sweepstakes

Candy Konicki - Show Chair

Josh Danso


Mary Sparks


Raven Key


​Hanne Jonikat

<<<< Updated

Club Officers (for 2025)

President:     Jeff D'Annolfo

Vice President:    Raven Key

Corresponding Secretary:    Candy Konicki

Recording Secretary:   Joan Atkian

Treasurer:    Tom Atkian

Board Members at large

Sherry Gedeon

Nancy Pedersen
